28 March 2019 #Forum
Moscow Urban Forum Reveals First Speakers
The Moscow Urban Forum business programme will feature Gil Peñalosa, President of World Urban Parks and founder of 8-80 Cities; Winy Maas, a Dutch architect and urbanist; Dr. Mazda Adli, a famous psychiatrist and author of Stress and the City (2017); Robert Cervero, professor emeritus of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley; and Felix Loh, Chief Executive Officer at Gardens by the Bay park in Singapore. The two-day business programme will comprise a total of over 80 events. Participants will include national and municipal leaders, architects, investors, developers, urban planners,.entrepreneurs, reporters and social activists.  

Felix Loh

serves as Chief Executive Officer at Gardens by the Bay. Previously, he held executive positions with the National Parks Board (NParks) and Ministry of National Development (Singapore). His one-of-a-kind experience spans 20 years overseeing parks and developing horticulture and landscaping industry.
The futuristic scenery of the Gardens by the Bay park featuring vertical gardens, rare twining vines, orchids and ferns leaves visitors in awe. At nighttime, 18 supertrees ranging from 25 to 50 metres in height turn into a glowing forest, nestled behind the shoreline. The greenery sections are connected through a series of bridges and overpasses that offer magnificent views of an extraordinary grove. The park is home to 226,000 plants, cascading water gardens, man-made waterfalls and swimming pools.

Gil Peñalosa

is founder and Chief of the Board of 8 80 Cities, a Toronto-based non-profit organisation, and President of World Urban Parks (WUP). Mr. Peñalosa actively promotes the idea of creating affordable public spaces for everyone, regardless of age, opportunities or lifestyles.  In his line of work, Gil has established himself as a professional in enhancing urban green spaces, seeing that he contributed to the development of over 200 parks in Bogotá (Colombia), and shares his expert insights with the global community.  However, it is not just through his approach to designing recreational spaces that Mr. Peñalosa gained worldwide recognition. The list of his team's accomplished initiatives in Colombia includes New Ciclovia. Under this project, every Sunday people use 121 kilometres of Bogotá's city roads for walking, running, skating and cycling. The trend has caught on and is going viral.
Winy Maas

A Dutch architect, landscape architect, professor and urbanist. Co-author of the master plan known as Grand Paris, guest lecturer at the University of Hong Kong, professor at The Why Factory think tank, which focuses on researching and visualising cities of the future. In 1993, he alongside Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries co-founded MVRDV studio. His inaugural projects, including the Villa VPRO television and radio centre and WoZoCo, a housing complex for elderly residents in the Netherlands, gained him international acclaim. The most memorable structure Mr. Maas designed is the unique Tianjin Binhai Library, a cultural space with a total area of 33,700 sq. metres, notable for its spherical auditorium, framed by cascading floor-to-ceiling bookcases. The Library interior is composed of terraced bookshelves that, among other things, are used as stairs, seating, the layered ceiling and even louvres on the façade.

Dr. Mazda Adli

a psychiatrist, Head of the Fliedner Klinik Berlin Dr. Adli will address the topics related to psychological comfort and well-being of megacity residents.  The first Russian edition of his 2017 book, Stress and the City, is set to be released in the run-up to the congress.    Mazda believes that life in a large city involves a host of anxieties, yet people can turn the tables on it and achieve personal growth.  In 2013, Dr. Mazda Adli was appointed chief physician at the Fliedner Klinik Berlin—Centre for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine. In 2008, he founded the German Research Network on Depression, a network of research-oriented psychiatric institutions.  In 2009, Dr. Mazda Adli helped launch the annual World Health Summit at Berlin's Charité University Hospital. He serves as the Executive Secretary of the Summit.   The World Health Summit is held under the high patronage of the German Chancellor and French President, and  brings together leading industry experts, top researchers and research executives, NGOs and government representatives.

Robert Cervero

professor emeritus of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley He works in the field of sustainable transportation policy and planning with a focus on connections between urban transportation and land-use systems.  His current research deals with sustainable transportation policy in the developing countries.  Professor Cervero acts as a consultant with an array of international projects in transportation and urban planning.  He is the first-ever winner of the Dale Prize for Excellence in Urban Planning Research and two-time recipient of the Article of the Year Award from the Journal of the American Planning Association.  2013 saw him ranked among the top 100 City Innovators Worldwide by UMB's Future Cities.  In 2016, Cervero was listed in the Top Five Academic Planners You Should Know by Planning Magazine, and ranked fifth in Google Scholar citations among 997 urban planning academics in the US and Canada.  Professor Cervero was also a contributing author to the 2014 IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) Fifth Assessment Report and lead author on UN-Habitat’s 2013 Global Report on Sustainable Mobility.