Toshio Obi is Professor Emeritus and Director of the Institute of e-Government, Waseda University in Japan, his main research field is ICT policy, e-Government, Smart city for All, Ageing Innovation.
Later Prof. Obi was President at Bunri University of Hospitalities, President, International Academy of CIO, APEC project director on e-Ageing and Disability, Director, APEC e-Government Research Center.
Prof. Obi serves in National e-Government Promotion Council of Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC).
Parallely he is the member of both Prime Minister’s IT Strategy Council and MIC Minister's advisory council on ICT Growth Strategy.
Prof. Obi is ex co-chair in OECD project on Silver economy and was UN DESA Expert group member on Digital Inclusion and Executive adviser to Asia Telecom/ICT Industry Council.
Moreover, Toshio Obi was keynote speaker in Indonesia National Conference on Smart cities (Jakarta,2017), General Assembly of Asian ICT Industry Association (Malaysia, 2016), Global Smart Cities Summit in Korea (2015).
Prof. Obi is visiting scholars in 7 universities such as St. Petersburg State University (Russia), Columbia University and George Washington University (USA), Peking University (China), Thammasat University (Thailand), Bocconi University (Italy) and Essex University (UK).
Toshio Obi got PhD on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) from Waseda University in Japan.
Prof. Obi is the author of 35 books including “Re-engineering of Telecom Industries” (Kodansha,1990), “ICT and Ageing” by IOS Press (2014, 2015).
Awards: MIC (Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication), Minister Distinguished Award (2013, 2015), Emperor Medal with Blue Ribbon (2012), Golden Award by ITU Association of Japan (2010), Maejima Hisoka (Founder of MIC) Memorial Award 2017, India IT Leader Award (2013), International ICT Leadership Award by IAC (2014).