Dr. Vasily Klucharev received his Ph.D. in physiology from the St. Petersburg State University in 2000.
Dr. Klucharev is professor and a leading expert in neuroeconomics mechanisms of social behavior and social influence on human decision making. He has published widely in prestigious neuroscience journals such as Neuron, Journal of Neuroscience, SCAN, and many others. Dr. Klucharev had been involved as a researcher at the Laboratory of Computational Engineering, Aalto University (2000-2004), Erasmus Research Institute of Management (Rotterdam) and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (2004-2009), University of Basel (2009-2013). From 2013 till 2018 Dr. Klucharev worked as head of the Department of Psychology at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Currently he is a director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (Moscow).