Ahmed Eiweida

Ahmed Eiweida

Global Coordinator for Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, World Bank
Ahmed Eiweida is the World Bank Global Coordinator for Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism. He is also Lead Urban Specialist and Vietnam Sector Leader for Sustainable Development. He is based in the World Bank’s Hanoi office. Ahmed has more than 25 year experience on cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, urban policies, municipal finance & infrastructure, local economic development, urban upgrading and urban regeneration. He joined the World Bank in 2000 and since then worked in more than 15 countries in East Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, East Asia and Pacific Islands. He led several World Bank-financed culture and tourism programs in China, Philippines, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Albania. Prior to joining the World Bank, he worked as Senior Technical Advisor to GiZ, DANIDA, DFID and UNDP. He holds a PhD on Urban Development and an MSc. on Environmental Management from the University of Glasgow, The UK. He also holds a Pre-MSc. on Urban and Regional Development from the University of Cairo.

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