Grigory Vaulin

Grigory Vaulin

CEO, group of companies "Ferro-Stroy"
1993–1998 — Ural State Forestry Technical Academy; Management

1998–2002 — Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Economics

Grigory Vaulin started his career as the manager of a Moscow company in 2000. Then he became deputy CEO of Zheldortorgsnab MR RF, a federal state unitary enterprise. He has been working at Ferro-Stroy Group since 2002. He started as deputy general director of finance and then became general director of Veststroymet LLC (a technical customer of the Group). In 2007, Grigory was appointed executive director of ZAO Ferro-Stroy LLC, with a further transfer to the position of director of commerce. Since 2010, he has been the general director of Ferro-Stroy Group. Member of the Board of Directors of Rechnikov Invest LLC.

Participation in past events
