Nicolas Buchoud

Nicolas Buchoud

President of the Grand Paris Alliance for Metropolitan Development
Nicolas J.A. Buchoud is a fellow of the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) in Berlin, and the founding principal of Renaissance Urbaine strategic advisory, established in 2010 in Paris. A former senior advisor to the President of Paris Ile de France Region, he is the co-founder and president of the Grand Paris Alliance for Sustainable Investments (Cercle Grand Paris de l’Investissement Durable), an awarded not for profit think tank created in 2011.
He is the co-editor of Intersecting: On Sustainable Urbanization and Infrastructure Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis, the first volume of a multi-year editorial initiative led by GSI, and GIZ, with ADBi in Tokyo, OECD, LPEM-UI in Jakarta and OP Jindal University School for Public Policy in India.
Nicolas J.A. Buchoud is the co-chair of the T20 Infrastructure investment and financing taskforce. An honorary member of the Indonesia Creative Cities Network (ICCN) and co-curator of the Creative Economy 2030 project, he is a knowledge partner of the U20 and a former director of the Center for urban research and regional development (CUR) at the National Research Tomsk State University.
Alumnus, Sciences Po, Paris (Public law, 1999), Sciences Po Urban School (2001, summa cum laude), MA 17th Century Chinese History, (Paris La Sorbonne, 1998, summa cum laude).

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